Sunday, August 28, 2016

SERMON NOTES (Aug 28, 2016): A Godly Man's Look at Politics - Neh 1:1 - 2:8

A Godly Man’s Look at Politics
Neh 1:1-2:8
Intro: How should a Christian handle politics today? “Politics, Fixin Stuff & Facing Bullies”

     1.     A Godly Man Prays Intensely (1:1-4)

Distressed Remnant (God’s People)
Destroyed Ramparts (God’s Property)
Prayer & fasting for days
GOD’S PRESENCE: (“before the God of heaven” – vs. 4)
Right Plight

     2.     A Godly Man Repents Personally (1:5-11)

They have sinned (“sins of sons of Israel”)
We have sinned (“which we have sinned against You”
I have sinned (“I and my father’s house”)
Specific sins  (vs. 7)
Reminder to return (vs. 8-11) & repent – 2 Chr 7:14
Repenting is a political move.
God’s Perspective “eyes” & “ears” (vs. 6) – Right Persona

ILL. Persona- 4 Worlds (OS Hawkins - VIP)
1.     Private – no one but you and God
2.     Personal – immediate family + 1 or 2 more
3.     Professional – dozens to few hundred
4.     Public – people don’t really know you, but they hear your name and have formed an opinion about you
HBR- How to separate public and private persona

     3.     A Godly Man Lives Counter-Culturally (2:1-3)

Sad face (laugh, cry, dream – J Maxwell 3 qs)
Burdened heart – Is our message believable? Do we really believe it?
Why shouldn’t our emotions react to the reality of lostness?
Living against the flow is a political move.
God’s Heart (vs. 3) – Right Passion

“Listen, I'm against sin. I'll kick it as long as I've got a foot, I'll fight it as long as I've got a fist, I‘ll butt it as long as I've got a head, and I'll bite it as long as I've got a tooth. And when I'm old, fistless, footless, and toothless, I'll gum it till I go home to glory and it goes home to perdition.”            ― Billy Sunday

     4.     A Godly Man Acts Strategically (2:3-8)

What would you request? A definite action plan
How long would it take? A definitive timeline
Cf. Acts 13:36: For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep, and was laid among his fathers and underwent decay…
Planning is a political move.

God’s Hand (vs. 8) – Right Politics

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