Sunday, September 4, 2016

SERMON NOTES (Sept 4, 2016): A Godly Man's Look at Fixin Stuff - Neh 2:9 - 3:32

A Godly Man’s Look at Fixin Stuff
Neh 2:9-3:32
Introduction: Labor Day – Work
Men: asking for directions; assembly instructions-> IKEA pictures. Nehemiah gives a detailed narrative of the Jerusalem wall reconstruction and in doing so, he gives a picture instruction for fixing discipleship.
      1.       A Godly Man Inspects with Discretion (2:9-16)
“When you inspect, others may object”
Biblical Text:
·         Physical Condition of Premises (vs. 13)
·         Spiritual Condition of People (vs. 15)
Practical Action: Total Ministry Audit
Prov 25:2 - It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.
Prov 18:13 - He who gives an answer before he hears, It is folly and shame to him.
Deut 13:14 - you shall investigate and search out and inquire thoroughly. If it is true and the matter established that this abomination has been done among you
2 Cor 13:1; Matt 18:16 -  Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
2 Tim 2:15 - Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
·         Impartial – Eyes (open mind; facts weighed objectively)
·         Confidential – Lips (care in disclosure)
·         Transparent – Hands (open about steps in process and opportunity for feedback)
ILL. 2 Snakes – are we poisonous? I bit my lip!
Finances, Sins, Counseling, Considering a Move – Will of God – inspect the situation & bite lips.
Spiritual Truth: Satan (Enemy)
·         Not omniscient
·         Not allowed everything
APP- Disciple a man with confidentiality and full investigation with discretion.
      2.       A Godly Man Inspires with Dedication (2:17-20)
“When you inspire, others may conspire”
Biblical Text:
·         Initiated Devotion (17-18)
·         Invoked Rejection (19-20)
Practical Action: Experience vs Expertise- you can be experienced in failure.
Heb 10:24- let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,
Spiritual Truth: Power of Unified Mission, Clarified Need, Testimony

APP. Disciple a Man with inspiration from your life of ups and downs.

      3.       A Godly Man Instructs with Delegation (3:1-32)
“When you instruct, others will construct”
Biblical Text:
·         Knowing what to do – 10 Gates
·         Knowing whom to employ – 10 Groups
Practical Action: Ministry in the Local Church
2 Tim 2:2 – 4 Gen.
Acts 19- Saturation Evangelism of Ephesus because of 12 disciples of Paul.
Spiritual Truth: 10 Gates of Discipleship
1.       Sheep= personal salvation (divide sheep from goats)
2.       Fish = soulwinning, fishers of men (follow me, and I will make you)
3.       Old = old truth, traditions of God (things you heard me say, all that I’ve commanded you)
4.       Valley = discipleship in difficulty; low places (yeah though I walk; how to fall & get back up)
5.       Refuse/Dung = Repentance, separate yourselves from the latter
6.       Fountain = cleansing – sanctifying work of Holy Spirit; practical sanctification
7.       Water = God’s word – water of word (Eph 5:26)
8.       Horse = spiritual warfare – weapons not carnal (Prayer)
9.       East = Lord’s return, eastern sky = live in eschatological expectation
10.   Inspection = Bema seat; judgment of good works; rewards

APP. Discipleship is not a spectator sport. When you disciple a man, walk with but delegation responsibility for discipleship to others.

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