Monday, July 27, 2015

SERMON NOTES (July 26, 2015): The True Worship War: Inspiration or Inhibition? - John 4:7-26

SERMON NOTES (July 26, 2015): The True Worship War: Inspiration or Inhibition? - John 4:7-26

Notice: Her Questions & His Response
1.       Her ethnicity vs knowledge of gift- well water
2.       Her traditions vs acceptance of gift – running water
3.       Her morality vs sin’s exposure – running spring
4.       Her religion vs spiritual truth – fountain source
5.       Her faith vs Jesus’ identity – I AM He

Background: 5 Functions: Acts 2:42-47, not just 2:2-7

John Piper, in his well-known book Let the Nations Be Glad, wrote this about worship: Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exist because worship does not.
          Current Cultural Worship Wars

"Can you see it? The atmosphere is charged with excitement and expectation of what’s about to happen. There are animated gifs on the powerpoint screens counting down the seconds until the ambient music starts. A young band enters from stage left and take their places while the choir creates a living silhouette against the color-coordinated display of lights and clothes. A hush falls over the crowd as the worship leader steps to the mic and asks the seated participants to stand, to put their hands in the air and to sing it out to create a welcoming place for the Holy Spirit’s hopeful visit. The song lyrics reflect a personal need in the midst of doubting, some encouragement over regret or defeat. Maybe a song or two about God loving me so much that His existence is all about fulfilling my pleasure. Anything to make our feelings as comfortable as the overstuffed theatre seats in the room. Somebody whispers to their neighbor,” We’re about to have church.”"

-          Current Internal Worship Wars

  I.                    True Worship is Alive (4:7-10)
a.       “Living Water” – vs 10. The Living Christ
b.      Social Interaction Alone Cannot Create Inspiration Needed for True Worship

 II.    True Worship Needs Nothing External (4: 11-14)
           a.       “Well of water springing up to eternal life”
Decently & In Order- 1 Cor 14:40
                     b. Rituals Alone Cannot Create Inspiration Needed for True Worship

III.    True Worship Requires Repentance & Testimony (4:15-18)
a.       “Go call your husband” vs. 16 – straight to the heart of sin
b.      “this you have truly said” vs. 18 – confession & repentance
c.       Morality Judgment:
d.    Morality Alone Cannot Create Inspiration Needed for True Worship

IV.     True Worship is Independent of Location (4:19-21)
a.       “Neither in this mountain”
b.      “Nor in Jerusalem” –vs 21
c.       Physicality in Locale:
d.   Aesthetics Alone Cannot Create Inspiration Needed for True Worship

V.                  True Worship is Christo-centric (4:22-26)
a.       “In Spirit” (inspiration) vs 23
b.      “In Truth” (uninhibited by lies) vs 23
c.       “Jesus said, ‘I AM He’” vs 26
d.      Encounter with Messiah:
                                    “Left her water jug” changes our state & purpose – life-altering (Altar?)  

LifeWay Research’s Transformational Church Research Project showed that of all churches that were seeing regular, consistent transformation in the lives of people who made up those churches, more than 75 percent either strongly or moderately agreed that they see evidence of God changing lives as a direct result of their worship services or their worship experiences.
e.   Encounter with Jesus fills worshipper with the Holy Spirit, uninhibited & unhindered to do work called.

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