Monday, July 20, 2015

SERMON NOTES (July 19, 2015): What is a Pastor Supposed to Do? - Acts 20:17,28; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Tim 3:1-7

What is a Pastor Supposed to Do?
Position, Relation & Function of a Church Leader
Acts 20:17,28; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Tim 3:1-7

Three Biblical Terms:
       OverseerEpiscopos (POSITION); Acts 20:28, Titus 1:7; 1 Tim 3:1
       ElderPresbuteros (RELATION); Acts 20:17; Titus 1:5
       ShepherdPoimen (FUNCTION); Acts 20:28;

I.                    A Pastor is to occupy the vantage point of seeing God’s plan (wisdom), seeing God’s people (care), and seeing God’s enemies (guard)
a.       Needs time to seek God first; faith time
b.      Needs face time with people
c.       Needs authority to preach the word with such force that God’s enemies flee; no foot hold for Satan (grumbling, disobedience in stealing tithes, passive-aggressive hall talk)

II.                  A Pastor is to be relationally older; spiritually more mature; generationally a discipler. (2 Tim 2:2)
a.       Pastor in Russia wouldn’t ordain deacon as next pastor because he was too young (82 & 59).
b.      My "best" sermons on raising a family were before I had kids (I'm being facetious).

III.                A Pastor is to provide service ministry in leadership for the flock.
a.       Problem with our consumer culture: customer is always right. Church member is not a customer; pastor is not a hireling (see John 10:11-13).
b.      Irony: He is also one of the flock; pastor’s family is part of the church. The old quote "Preacher’s kids always the worst…"
c.       No CEO, No Super Hired Holy Men, Flock doesn’t pay the preacher (God does); Levitical role; Being will to die for the flock. Not hired but called. Called for life.

Paul said the true badges of our ministry are the ones we disciple (1 Cor 9:12); this is a CALLING by God to ministry that no one else can duplicate (see also 2 Tim 1:9; Acts 9:15; Acts 13:2).

 He said the true apologetics of our ministry is which personal rights we surrender in order to spread the gospel (1 Cor 9:3, 12); this is a COST, but no loving sacrifice is in vain (see also Luke 14:28; Matt 8:20).

 The true compulsion of our ministry is our inability to stay silent while people need the Lord (1 Cor 9:16); this requires a COMMITMENT, holding strong to the end, knowing that He is with us (see also Luke 9:62; 2 Tim 2:3-7; 1 Tim 4:15).

 The true reward of our ministry is our sacrificial offering even when we feel we deserve more (1 Cor 9:18); this requires CONSECRATION, staying clean to be useful in His service (see also 2 Tim 2:20-21; 1 Tim 4:12; Tit 1:7-9). RA Pledge: “Keep myself clean in mind and body”.
CF. “I do all things for the sake of the gospel, so that I may become a fellow partaker of it” (1 Cor 9:23).

Testimony of Fidget: Almost Aborted. Bio mother died, drug addict. God hid her license. Raised adopted. Studying to be pastor. PASTOR: Abortion to Adoption.

Testimony of Quest: Almost Suicide. Tragic divorce, step-father cruel, step-father molested Quest’s sister, hated. Unofficially “Adopted” by Toad’s Dad, loved, led to Christ, discipled, Bio father found Jesus. Now godly relationship. PASTOR: Suicide to Disciple.

Testimony of JP & Josh: Lost in Moscow. 

Praying for Your Pastors
       Pray for His Position: SPIRITUAL VISION
       Pray for His Relation: SERVANT LEADERSHIP
       Pray for His Function: SACRIFICIAL PROTECTION

Conclusion: Who do you pastor?

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