Sunday, October 25, 2015

SERMON NOTES (Oct 25, 2015): Vision of Change - Acts 10

Vision of Change – Acts 10
Focal Passage: Acts 10:34-45
Explain: Biblical Model of Vision
       Crisis of Condition (recognition of sin or limitation)
       Cost of Change
       Consequence of the Conflict

The Background Story Peter & Cornelius Two Merging Visions

I. What happens when Vision meets History? (vs. 34-38)
Crisis Options: 1. Ignore History, 2. Celebrate History
ILL. Ellijay’s history: Trail of Tears 
Cost of losing history: Assurance of what you know
Consequence: We must celebrate our past but be careful not to confine our future by history’s standard.

II. What happens when Vision meets Tradition? (vs. 39-41)
Crisis Options: 1. Quit Traditions, 2. Keep Traditions
ILL. FBC Ellijay Tradition – FBC Ellijay & Ellijay Baptist Church
Cost of quitting tradition: Continuity in what was seen
Consequence: We should continue our traditions to the point of their agreement with God’s Written Word for Always & His Revealed Will for Today.

III. What happens when Vision meets Practice? (vs. 42-45)
Crisis Options: 1. Change practice, 2. Reinforce Practice
ILL. Population of Ellijay today: Guatemalan
Cost of changing practice: Fruits of what you say
Consequence: We must collect the harvest of our preaching in a new era.

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