Sunday, March 20, 2016

SERMON NOTES (Mar 20, 2016): This is His Story: Future- Eph 2:11-22

This is His Story – Eph 2:11-22
The Future Church
Intro: Darth Vader visited last Sunday. From a Star Wars Geek Blog: “From an astronomical perspective, this is a pretty interesting statement. We know the farther things are from us, the longer it takes for light to get to us. As a result what we see in the present actually happened in the past. Taking the statement "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away", we assume "far, far away" is relative to us. Light from a galaxy far, far away would therefore take a long time to reach us. As a result, what we see in the present from a galaxy far, far away would actually have occurred a long time ago. Under this line of thought, we can watch the films in the present on earth, as they occurred a long time ago, "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away".”
Why? 1. Because it’s a great way to Segway into today’s topic, 2. Because we had a visitor last Sunday.

I.                    Future Church Should Celebrate DEFEATED ENMITY
Perhaps biggest problem for true spirituality is insider/outsider enmity – When did it die?
a.       between people – religion
b.      between men & God – regeneration
c.       Jesus nullified (vs. 15) & crucified (vs. 16)
Key Words: Commonwealth (12),  Covenant (12), Blood (13), New Man (15)
ILL. Peace Child- Don Richardson- Canadian missionary to western Indonesia among a cannibalistic Sawi tribe whose highest value was deception. Story of Judas- hero. But also discovered that there was a redemptive analogy: 3 warring tribes made peace by chief giving his son to enemy as a peace offering: Jesus story.

II.                  Future Church Should Foster UNITY
Perhaps 2nd biggest problem is insider disunity
a.       Choosing to remain two bodies of ordinances instead of one (vs. 15)
b.      Content to keep a barrier of dividing wall (14)

One source for salvation (cross-16) & One access to the Father (Spirit-18)
ILL. “There are approximately 19,000 major, scarring church conflicts in the U.S. each year (an average of 50 per day)”
Lifeway Research: “250 pastors leave the ministry every month”
Carl S. Dudley’s book “Conflict: Synonym for Congregation” revealed that “25 percent of the churches in one survey reported conflict in the previous five years that was serious enough to have a lasting impact on congregational life.” -
ILL. Berlin Wall- 30 years 1961-1989

III.                Future Church Should WIN SOULS Incarnationally
Natural, Incarnational, Relational, Authentic

Step 1: get real about repentance yourself.                 
Step 2: Don’t be afraid to talk to others about being a repentant person.                                                 
Step 3: Invite people into repentance.

Xenoi – foreigners (xenophobia) (19)
Paroikoi – outside house (barn dwellers) (19)
Sumpolitai – Co-citizens (19)
Oikeioi – Family members (19)

ILL. Engel’s Scale of Receptivity- move them along

IV.                    Future Church Should GROW Naturally

Vs. 20 – built on foundation
Vs. 21 – building a holy temple
Vs. 22 – building Spirit’s dwelling

ILL. Being Built: On this rock I will build my church… Church grew in Book of Acts, daily by the hundreds, thousands at times, but always exponentially.
ILL. Christian Schwarz- Natural Church Development- talks about 8 essential elements of healthy church – focus is on strengthening the weakest links to increase growth.

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