Sunday, November 15, 2015

SERMON NOTES (Nov 15, 2015): Thanks, But No Thanks - Rom 1:18-32

I.                    Refusing Thanksgiving Leads to Physical Dishonor (Rom 1:24)
Understand Thanksgiving (Physical Action):
        - Obedience (Rev. 3:10)
        - Worship/Walk in Spirit (Gal 5:16)
        - Godliness/Holiness (2 Pet 2:9)

See James 1:14-16:
Temptation-> Desire-> Sin-> Death=> Dishonor
                        THE LIE OF EVOLUTION: origins

II.                    Refusing Thanksgiving Leads to Emotional Degradation (Rom 1:26)
Understand Thanksgiving (Emotional Response):
                                - Jesus’ Desire in Me (Rom. 7:17-21)
                                - Motivation to Please God (James 4:1-3)

        Emotional Degradation -> Family Dysfunction-> Societal Destruction
THE ATTACK ON THE FAMILY: infrastructure
III.                  Refusing Thanksgiving Leads to Mental Depravity (Rom 1:28)
Understand Thanksgiving (Mental Capacity):
        - Reasonable Worship (Rom. 12:1-2)
        - Peaceful Thinking (Phil 4:8-9)

        - Illuminated Cognition (Ps 119:105)

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