Sunday, September 6, 2015

SERMON NOTES (Sept 6, 2015): DaySpring: Moving from Darkness to Light - Luke 1:76-79

DaySpring: Moving From Darkness to Light
Text: Luke 1:76-79

Introduction: Four Things Needed For Gospel Light
1.       To Prepare or Make it Ready (hetoimazo)
2.       To Let Someone Have Knowledge of it (didomi)
3.       To Make it Clearly Shine (epiphanai)
4.       To Direct  it (kateuthuno)

I.                    To Prepare His Ways – vs. 76
We have to cultivate an atmosphere conducive for Gospel sharing
We have to remove any hindrances from the King’s path before He travels it.
We are called to prepare our city for the King’s coming visit.

II.                  To Give Knowledge (Teach) – vs. 77
To give suggests Generosity
To give suggests sharing the Gospel by giving yourself away
To give suggests wide seed sowing
How can we sow seed generously in our city?
III.                To Shine Clearly into the Dark – vs. 79
Penetration of Gospel into Lostness
“We Cannot Love the World if We have never known the Love of Christ” – 2 Cor 5:14-15
Spiritual Warfare- Movie War Room  
What are the Dark Places in our city? Where are there Spiritual Strongholds?

IV.                To Guide our Feet into Peace – vs. 79
Do we really believe that the Holy Spirit is in control?
Look for a Person of Peace
Cf. Luke 10 “Peace to this House” Shalom
Pray for the “Peace” of our city – citizens, leaders, merchants

Conclusion: Give Yourself Away for the Gospel Light to Shine

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